At the moment, Pono Home is only franchising within the United States. For those interested in starting a home efficiency business outside the U.S., we offer consulting assistance to help you set up your own company based on the best practices we use in our proven model.
Potential offerings
All of the below are available ala carte or through a package deal at discounted pricing
Package 1
- Startup assistance, including run-through on revenue opportunities, margins, logistics, and marketing planning
- Development of multiple and recurring revenue streams
- Training & Education (online and in-person offered): how to conduct services, how to run the business
- Inventory resupply system setup (for LED bulbs and other home efficiency products)
- Service offering development
- Product selection, advice, and procurement assistance
- Marketing material development (business card templates plus 2 versions of each: tri-fold brochure, door hanger, postcard mailer)
Package 2
Everything from Package 1, plus…
- Customized software for in-home services, with cloud-based recordkeeping, inventory management and customer reporting. This is done after client signs off on scope of work, and includes 1 year of updates, bug fixes, etc. Does not include further scope changes, additional client requests, etc. (which can be done, but will be billed separately on an hourly basis), and must be purchased along with private intranet site, listed next.
- Private intranet site development, plus maintenance, IT support, and hosting for one year
- Public internet site development, plus maintenance, IT support, and hosting for one year
- Leads
Package 3 (expanded offerings for servicing small to mid-sized companies)
Everything from Packages 1 and 2, plus…
- Custom small business audit software. This is done after client signs off on scope of work, and includes 1 year of updates, bug fixes, etc. Does not include further scope changes, additional client requests, etc., (which can be done, but will be billed separately on an hourly basis), and must be installed either on private company intranet site above, or separate business-focused private intranet site, listed next.
- (If needed) Business-focused private intranet site development, plus maintenance, IT support, and hosting for one year
- Bid development worksheets
- Proposal templates
- (If needed) Business-focused public internet site development, plus maintenance, IT support, and hosting for one year
If you want to discuss the opportunity with someone, simply email and use “Startup Consulting” in your subject line.